C R O S S P U M P & E Q U I P M E N T C O M P A N Y
Serving the Industrial World With Pumping Equipment For Over 60 Years
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FMC Technologies Pumps have provided exceptional performance and value since their introduction in 1884. Backed by over a century of experience on thousands of projects worldwide, FMC Technologies produces a complete range of Piston and Plunger Pumps for many varied markets, including the general industrial market. As the pioneer and world leader in Piston and Plunger Pump technology, FMC Technologies delivers pumps in sizes, designs, and materials to meet all customer and industry requirements. FMC Technologies Pumps are setting new standards for low cost of ownership, long service life, and ease of maintenance. FMC Technologies Piston Pumps are engineered and designed to meet the market needs and requirements. By working together with it’s customers, FMC Technologies customizes the designs and innovative component technology to optimize pump efficiency in the most extreme working conditions. The lower life cycle cost can be contributed to designing longer lasting parts with innovative wear characteristics into the pumping solution. Increased priming characteristics can be achieved with low clearance volume fluid chambers. The piston pumps are designed to enable service in the field, decrease any unnecessary downtime and increase production profit output. |